I got together with an old friend the other day and we had the most smashing time having coffee at a place called Stella's? Cafe? I can't remember exactly but that sounds about right. I had this amazing fruit crumbly masterpiece and a cappuccino and she had this amazing fried cinnamon bun. Must learn to make those, or order one next time.
We had a great time just talking, and going over what was new in our lives. We talked about family, and school, and work, and money, and boys. Silly boys. But what are best gal-pals for if not for chatting about boys? It really was refreshing and I came out of it feeling absolutely renewed. Thank you, love.
I also had another delicious treat yesterday in Polo Park, my boyfriend and I ordered this frozen, chocolate dipped banana with little nutty bits sprinkled all over it. It was divine! Another thing I must learn how to make! I couldn't believe how scrumptious and crumbly yum it turned out to be. We didn't get a lot of Christmas shopping done, though, which was our initial goal. Nevertheless, we did end up seeing "Australia" which really turned out to be a hit, despite its length. Really a pleasant surprise. Will be wanting to post a review of it soon, hopefully. Should I feel a slight on the bloggy side once again. I guess it all depends really.
Put up a Christmas tree and it glitters with the light in my heart, which is very little since all the lights I had was one multicoloured (I think intended to be outdoor) light string, and one string of lights made to look like little candles? Half of them don't work, but half do and they sparkle with the Christmas joy I try to conjure each and every day. Either way, the tree was an old one my mom gave me, the one we used growing up, which is nostalgic (and free!) and the lights are old ones a friend from work gave me to use, which are also sort of nice (and free!) so I think it turned out alright. She gave me some ornaments too, so, it turned out to be a pretty thrifty Christmas, I must say! So far, anyway.
I've done very little Christmas shopping so far, but I've done some, and I decided today that I'm going to do Christmas baking, because happy people do that, and I ambition to be a happy person on a regular basis so I'm going to give it a go. I'll even make double batches and freeze some, like mom's do. I'll be the most rambunctious Martha this world has ever seen! And I didn't even have to home-make any of my ornaments to do it, either! I'll be sure to post whatever recipes I end up using. That'll be a treat, as well.
I've also decided that come February time when my lease expires I'm going to be moving out back to my home town, where my heart is. I think it would be best for me, I think I'll be able to properly soldier through my day with that foundation beneath my weary dogs. My family is there, I'll be able to have people over to MY place and serve them dainties and tea, and have nice decor. I'll go to the gym on a regular basis (watch and see me pull that one off!) I'll be able to be more involved in my church, I'll be near all the things I've always known and I'll be safe and comfortable and happy, and I think it's the right move. So there that is.
And that's all that's new today. That's where I am, and that's where I hope to be for a while. Faking a smile long enough for it to become a real one, knocking into people for a laugh, renting movies even though I own two hundred of them, and baking Christmas cookies.
With my new hand mixer I bought today (Betty Crocker, very nifty!)

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