It was a blast. I even got Matt to hold her, I melted at the sight. I've never seen him hold a baby in my life, and I've just decided that I need to get one for him to hold at all times because he has probably never looked so endearing.
Baby (Lillian) also got to explore the joys of Christmas, and kitties, at the same time! It was a truly magical moment that had to be captured.
Also, today Matt and I went for our Christmas dinner at the Royal Crown Revolving Restaurant, it was so much fun! We had the buffet, and definitely took advantage of it, I am aching from the eating! Just delicious, turkey, Spanish meatballs, pineapple chunks, cream of tomato soup that tasted like grilled cheese sandwiches, basil buns with creamy butter and cheese... Ugh! Christmas!
I just do not have many words today, just pictures to capture the absolute awesomosity of my week, stressful what with apartment hunting, but promising, and delightful! Christmas has really got me in a joyful mood, I just want to skip everyone I go. And to leave you with the same childlike joy, a picture of the bluest eyes you will ever see:
5 More Days 'til Christmas!
*just a note, please click the pictures to see enlarged versions!
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