I've just had the greatest day of my life, thanks entirely to my wonderful boyfriend Matthew. You absolutely would not believe how wonderful the day was. Really, it was spectacular.
It was especially momentous because it was out three year anniversary of the day we fell in love. We started the day by getting up bright and early and having an incredible homemade breakfast of pancakes, eggs, bacon, toast, oranges, and juice. It was so delicious, the pancakes were soaked in butter, and dripping with sweet maple syrup. We were both completely stuffed by the time the meal was done.
Next 0we sat down with a canvas and some accoustic music and painted a half-and-half picture together, which really turned out incredibly. I split it right down the center and drew a couple holding hands in the middle. Then I limited the colours we could use, giving him only cool colours, keeping the warm colours for myself. As it turns out, each half really represents us pretty well, his being very structured and logical and mine being very abstract and smudgy.

Next we headed down to Subway for subs, cookies, unlimited coke, and chips. Matthew picked up the bill and we had a fantastic time eating very messy, unhealthy subs.
Afterwards, we drove just down the street to check out this little place called "Video Mart" written in bright uppercase yellow letters on a rectangular blue sign. We went in and felt as though we'd stepped into a video store in India! About half the store was Hindi movies. It also happened to be the first video store I'd ever gone in that had a back room with "Adult" movies in it. Needless to say we decided against entering. Blairing in the background was East Indian alternative music. It was so exciting, and a little bit scary.
Then we drove down to the forks, and parked tremendously, impressively close. I'm finding that our Forks-Parking skills are slowly improving. We checked out the shops, and examined a tremendous Christmas tree with a little Santa on top. After expressing our concern for the tiny Santa's safety, we headed to this little asian shop where there was a very friendly, tiny Chinese lady who hadn't said two words to us before trying to sell us a pair of nunchucks. We assured her that we were not the safest people to practice nunchucks, and she seemed to half understand. We went to Kite & Kaboodle and longed for the board games before heading back to the apartment.
Once we got to the apartment we watched a little bit of TV before starting to make a pizza together. We'd prebought all of the ingredients we needed for pepperoni and bacon pizza, preset the oven, and cut the meat. It was so much fun, and it turned out so tasty! I couldn't believe was culinary geniuses we turned out to be! It was so tasty, and I'm sure we're definitely going to do it again soon.
After the pizza, we watched a great episode of House (one of our all time favourite television shows) and then I got to watch an episode of Rich Bride, Poor Bride, much to Matt's delight. It was really relaxing and so much fun, goofing off together in front of the TV.
After TV we drove down to the cheap seats for some good G-rated movie fun. We saw "The City of Ember" which turned out to be a really interesting, unique movie. We really enjoyed it a lot, despite a few holes in the plot that didn't quite match up. Probably our favourite part was closing our eyes and enjoying an ad for cell phone before the movie, listening to the orchestra play the intense music in the background. It was truly incredible, and I need to find that song! I enjoyed a quarter of a bag of popcorn, and a coke. It was such a success.
In our cozy parkas we headed back home and watched a little bit of Colbert before going to bed. There were no conflicts, no fighting, no sadness. There was just smiling, laughing, joking, and enjoying each other all day. Nothing went wrong, and everything went right. It was the perfect day. I'm thinkin' we should pretend that every day is our anniversary, because, damn.
I can't wait for thousands and thousands more days just like yesterday.