Thursday, August 12, 2010

New Blog!

The reason for no new posts on this blog?

My ultra super secret awesome other blog!

I've finally had the big reveal, so you can find out everything that's going on with me at...

Check it out!

Monday, February 8, 2010

This one's for you, Carmella

So, the Man and I are moving to Stony Mountain. Well, Rockwood actually, but close enough. We searched high and low all throughout Altona, found some great houses that we'd have loved to buy, but lo and behold.

Apparently you are supposed to put a downpayment on a house before you buy it.

Who knew?

So, we concluded that in order to live greater one day, we're going to have to live poorer right now. That means maybe not having all of the amenities we'd love to have, maybe not having the most beautiful furniture on the market right now, and maybe just sticking it out for a while to save up some dough for the future.

We researched apartment buildings in Winnipeg here, that have a lower rent than we are expected to pay if we stay with our current apartment ($1000 a month, are you kidding me??) But nothing seemed to catch our eye. Just when we thought all hope was lost, an offer came from an unexpected source.

The man's mother, or, I suppose, my Mother-in-Law, offered to completely finish her entire basement into a two bedroom apartment, with a kitchenette and bathroom, seperate entrance and garage parking, access to an enormous farmyard at all times, for us. FOR FREE! No rent, no utilities, no parking costs, heck. No cable or internet costs either!

Imagine how much we'll save!

So the plan? Our lease is up on June 1st, and then we're making our trek out of the city! We're going to save up for a while, see how much we can accumulate, and eventually buy something a little closer to the house-of-our-dreams, instead of a house-for-right-now. I can't wait!

Plus, just imagine... waking up in the morning, going for a walk down country roads, picking fresh raspberries from the garden, lounging in a hammock in the shade of the oaks...

Can't wait for country living again!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Look out, 2010!

So, as a response to popular demand (yes, all two of my fans are begging for more!) I've decided to post again. I've been a bit distracted by the convenience of Facebook for all of my updating needs, but no longer! Let the creative juices flow once again!

Let's talk about New Years Resolutions, shall we? Who on earth invented these things, that's what I want to know. What makes aspirations so much more achievable if they are made at the beginning of the year? Its more intimidating to me than anything else. "I can't eat chocolate for HOW LONG?" This ain't no lent we're talking about here. This is a 365 day challenge. Who does that?

I do. Apparently. Though, I'm not defining them the same way I do every year. This time, they are going to be a bit more generalized, and a bit more attainable. That way, every time one of them is coming to fruition, I can feel that much more accomplished, and that much more motivated in the future.

So here are a few of my goals for 2010. The year of progress, we'll call it.

1. Make a name for myself as an artist.
--------- Now that one's going to take some actual effort. Sure, I love to paint. But do I ever make time for myself to do it? Absolutely not, I don't. I need to develop some kind of business plan, and market myself a bit better. Also, find a way to develop an impressive portfolio of independent, non-commission pieces to represent who I am and what I do.

2. Figure out who I am and what I do.
---------- This one goes nicely with that one, doesn't it? Now, this isn't to say that I don't know who I am. I know the fundamental aspects of myself; animal, human, female, Mennonite, Christian, Canadian, age 20. I know what I am interested in, and what I am absolutely not interested in. But, for instance, what genre of painting do I prefer, or medium for that matter? Do I play any instruments anymore? Am I a sushi person? Let's find out.

3. Have 5 adventures.
----------- This one I stole from somebody I know, but that is because it is an excellent idea. And I'm not talking, try out a new restaurant down the street. I'm talking, travel to somewhere exotic, do something outrageous and new, find more worthwhile things to capture on film. I don't want my children looking back over my life and saying "Wow, mum. You really didn't do much didja."

4. Get in shape.
----------- Okay. I know what you're thinking. But don't, I can do this! And you can too! What I need to do is develop some kind of non-intimidating plan to slowly work my way to a place where I can consistently start to lose a little weight, and get to a place where I'm not afraid to look at myself in the mirror after a shower anymore. And getting in shape doesn't have to be a battle, it can be fun! Maybe I'll try out a yoga class - yikes! Or take up dancing! Whatever it is, it had better be fun! (or I just won't do it!)

5. Stop worrying about 5 years from now.
----------- Yes, a little bit of future planning is responsible, but I'm so worried about what's coming up, that most of the time I end up missing what's happening right now! I need to slow down, and appreciate each morning, afternoon, evening, and night of every day before I worry about each week, month, and year of my life. It will make the future that much brighter.

6. Show the people I love that I love them.
----------- Everybody could use a little bit more appreciation, I think. A lot of people are responsible for my awesome life, and I finally need to give credit where credit is due. If someone makes me smile, I should go out of my way to return the favour, however much effort it takes. Because, though this may sound like a selfless goal, in reality, it's a pretty selfish one. Nothing compares to the feelings I get when I do something nice for someone else!

So that's what I'm going to start with! And we're going to see how far I get! Even if I take a chip out of every one of these I'll be satisfied, because I'll be getting that forward motion I so desperately long for in life. I often feel as though I constantly need to be moving forward, making progress, a train that yearns to be choo-choo-chooing along. And, this way, I can find that in a small, productive way.

So bring it on, 2010! I'ma kick your ass!